Contrasting Space Marines

Do an internet search for Games Worksop space marines and you are likely to find that there are numerous photos of drawings and painted figures representing a collection of different chapters. A small series like this was created early on in Turbo Dork's history. Now, however, there are many more colors that can be used to paint an even wider range of marine chapters.

Therefore I decided to create my own set of a dozen warriors representing some of the most popular chapters and some personal favorites. I also wanted to feature complementing the Turbo Dork colors with different Citadel contrast paints and shades. The final set of 12 space marines is shown below. 



     Row 1 - Black Templar, Blood Angle, Dark Angel, Grey Knight
        Row 2 - Imperial Fist, Imperial Star, Iron Fist, Rainbow Warrior
Row 3 - Salamander, Space Wolf, Ultramarine, White Scar

I intended this series to be used for the Turbo Dork booth display at conventions. However, I decided that a short blog post on the paints I used was warranted. I wanted the post to also be an opportunity to point out where I dipped into the Citadel paint bin. 

Notes for each chapter are detailed below. Six Shooter, Tin Star, and Redrum were used for the weapons along with other appropriate colors for trim.

Black Templar (primed black)
Black Ice with Shifting Sands for the tabard

Blood Angel (primed black)
Redrum with Blood Angles Red contrast used for highlighting

Dark Angel (primed black)
Gordian Knot with Biel Tan Green shade used as a wash

Grey Knight (primed black)
Silver Fox with Nuln Oil shade

Imperial Fist (primed white)
Bees Knees over Bad Moon contrast

Imperial Star (primed black)
People Eater with Nuln Oil shade

Iron Hand (primed black)
Black Ice 

Rainbow Warrior (primed black)
Da Ba Dee with Nuln Oil shade and Redrum, Bees Knees, Multi Pass, Appleseed, and Dork on the emblem

Salamander (primed black)
Absinthe with a thin coat Striking Scorpion Green contrast over top

Space Wolf (primed black)
Blue Steel with Space Wolves Grey contrast on the edges 

Ultramarine (primed black)
Cool Ranch with Ultramarines Blue contrast used for highlighting

White Scar (primed white)
Pearly Gates with Apothecary White contrast used sparingly in the crevices