Recently hearing "She's a maniac, maniac on the floor and she's dancing like she's never danced before" reminded me that I had figures of a group of dancing dogs waiting to be painted. I decided then and there that it was time to do something with them.
Somehow, having dogs in shades of shifting blues or purples or greens was too much even for me who uses metallics and turboshifts on all sorts of things. So I concluded that this post should feature white, black, brown, etc.
There are four metallic paints and one fairly subtle turboshift in this group. All but one of them is best over a black primer. The is Pearly Gates which needs to be over a white primer for it to show up white.
Pearly Gates:
The white highland terrier is showing off Pearly Gates with a touch of Sakura pink. He is thinking about doing a jig.
Black Ice
I think of this dog as a black chow chow stretching to get ready to perform in a Chinese tumbling act. He was done in Black Ice with Tin Star highlights.
Death By:
This Eurasier appears to be practicing the schuhplattler. Don't worry, I never heard of this breed before either. However,he does look good in chocolate brown Death By with Gold Rush highlights.

Now for a Japanese fan dance. This akita is showing off her Shifting Sands colors of brown and gold with Bees Knees highlights.
Rusty Nail:
Don't go looking for this in the Turbo Dork catalog. You won't find it. I did something I rarely do and created a new reddish-brown color by mixing Death By and Redrum (1:1). I also took advantage of this being my own blend to name it, Rusty Nail. I never usually get to name anything.
This chihuahua has a Rusty Nail coat with Redrum trim and is all ready to do a traditional Mexican folk dance. All she needs is a big festive skirt.