What's a Zenishift? March 2, 2023Recently it became clear to me from a handful of posts on the Turbo Dorks Facebook group...
Dragon Ten Ways January 5, 2023I often field questions about how to take a model to the next level with Turbo Dork paints....
It's Not a Turtle December 14, 2022A little while ago I got an email soliciting a donation to help save the...
Reds November 10, 2022True reds are fairly uncommon in the Turbo Dork lineup despite a large effort to...
Expansion 5 Colors Plus Two October 20, 2022Usually, with the release of a new set of colors, I paint up a model...
White, Black, Brown ... September 25, 2022Recently hearing "She's a maniac, maniac on the floor and she's dancing like she's never...